Do I Have A Claim

To have a personal injury case, you must be able to show two things

  1. That you have been injured, physically and may been injured emotionally.
  2. You must be able to show that someone else (the defendant) is at fault for your injury under a legal theory. In some cases, you must show that the other party is more at fault for the injury than you are.

Proving an injury requires you to prove compensable damages. Compensable damages  in Motor Vehicle Accidents are damages that can be readily documented and accounted for, and that usually have a concrete or tangible value. Some common examples of such damages include medical bills, lost wages, property loss or property damage, and/or damages due to pain and suffering

If you are responsible for your own injuries because you are the one that caused the accident then you do not have a personal injury claim. If, however, someone else caused your injury, then you have a claim against that person. Determining which party is at fault can sometimes be difficult. Does the police report indicate conflicting evidence as to who caused the accident? Were you injured by a hit-and-run driver? Does the person responsible for your injuries have sufficient insurance and is it enough to cover your claim? Are there any other sources you can turn to in order to try and recover fair compensation? How can you be sure that you are not being taken advantage of by the insurance company? Are you receiving all the benefits and compensation you deserve?

These are the types of questions that can arise from a personal injury case. At The LoConti Law Group we can help you answer these questions. If you have been in an accident, call now to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable member of our staff at 440. 995.5139.  We will go the distance to help protect your rights.


LoConti Law Group